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Psychological Association of the
Psychological Association of the Philippines
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TelePsychology during COVID-19 Crisis Ethical and Practical Tips

This webinar is for members who want to gain knowledge on how to conduct a TelePsychology during COVID-19 crisis

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Downloadable Files
RA 10029
PRC Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for Psychology Practitioners in the Philippines
PAP Code of Ethics for Philippine Psychologists
SEC approved New PAP By-Laws

A Statement on Promoting a Scientific and Humane Approach to Addiction and Substance Use

Jan. 07, 2019

We in the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) oppose the current approach of criminalizing drug use, with its attendant programs that vilify drug users, violate human rights, and disregard legal and due process. Criminalizing drug users has been shown in other countries to be ineffective in solving the drug addiction problem.

What Schools and Families can do to Prevent BULLYING

Jan. 03, 2019

This statement is issued by the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) to clarify what bullying is, its causes, and what schools and families can do to prevent it. > WHAT IS BULLYING? > HOW OFTEN DOES BULLYING HAPPEN? > WHY DOES BULLYING HAPPEN? > WHAT CAN SCHOOLS DO TO PREVENT BULLYING? > WHAT CAN PARENTS DO? > ON SOCIAL MEDIA USE.

On the Valid and Ethical Use of Psychological Assessments to Evaluate Mental Health

Mar. 02, 2018

This statement is issued by the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) to inform the public regarding the ethical and valid use of psychological assessments, in response to the recent legislative proceedings that highlight the alleged mental/psychological condition of Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno. The PAP maintains that in giving this statement, the organization is neither supporting nor opposing any position regarding the issues involving Chief Justice Sereno. It only seeks to clarify the function of psychological assessments and the diagnosis of psychological conditions. Download

A Statement on Promoting a Scientific and Humane Approach to Addiction and Substance Use

Jan. 07, 2019

We in the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) oppose the current approach of criminalizing drug use, with its attendant programs that vilify drug users, violate human rights, and disregard legal and due process. Criminalizing drug users has been shown in other countries to be ineffective in solving the drug addiction problem.

What Schools and Families can do to Prevent BULLYING

Jan. 03, 2019

This statement is issued by the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) to clarify what bullying is, its causes, and what schools and families can do to prevent it. > WHAT IS BULLYING? > HOW OFTEN DOES BULLYING HAPPEN? > WHY DOES BULLYING HAPPEN? > WHAT CAN SCHOOLS DO TO PREVENT BULLYING? > WHAT CAN PARENTS DO? > ON SOCIAL MEDIA USE.

On the Valid and Ethical Use of Psychological Assessments to Evaluate Mental Health

Mar. 02, 2018

This statement is issued by the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) to inform the public regarding the ethical and valid use of psychological assessments, in response to the recent legislative proceedings that highlight the alleged mental/psychological condition of Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno. The PAP maintains that in giving this statement, the organization is neither supporting nor opposing any position regarding the issues involving Chief Justice Sereno. It only seeks to clarify the function of psychological assessments and the diagnosis of psychological conditions. Download